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Search Results for: use case – Page 2

Usos y beneficios de la Realidad Aumentada en el sector AEC

Exploring the uses and benefits of augmented reality in the AEC sector

In the age of digital transformation, Open BIM technology and work on digital models is now considered imperative to a project's success, being a key player in the adoption of new technologies. Among these, the use of augmented reality (AR) is rapidly evolving into a promising tool for any company or professional in the sector to improve its processes, efficiency and enhance its brand image from the design to calculation phase of a project. All while adding no extra incurred cost.

BIMserver.center and ISO 19650

ISO 19650 is a series of international standards that define a reference framework for managing information over the whole lifecycle of a built asset, both

Building Acoustics. AcouBAT by CYPE

AcouBAT by CYPE is a tool developed by CYPE and the CSTB (Scientific and Technical Centre for Building) with the aim of helping users study the insulation and acoustic conditioning of buildings. It calculates the indices that evaluate the insulation of airborne sound (indoor and outdoor), impact sound insulation and the reverberation level in indoor spaces, in accordance with the procedure contained in the EN ISO 12354:2017 code.

Open BIM in energy simulations: CYPE Architecture – CYPETHERM workflow

The great advantage of the Open BIM workflow is, obviously, the possibility of combining different tools to achieve a given objective and meet the needs of the project. Thermal simulations follow this same procedure, where combining powerful tools such as CYPE Architecture and CYPETHERM in a single workflow can be the key to ensuring productivity and quality in such a study that, although it seems complex at the beginning, becomes a lot simpler thanks to the applications used.

6 ways to start a project in BIMserver.center

This platform allows users to create and manage BIM projects and download over 100 Open BIM applications. Flexibility and communication between the different programs are two Open BIM technology standards, so workflow possibilities on the platform are increasing every day.