- The list, which compiles programs used worldwide, also incorporates several programs available on our platform that cover different areas such as structures, installations, management, lighting, energy efficiency, accessibility and topography.
BuildingSMART International, a worldwide nonprofit association whose aim is to promote efficiency in the construction sector through the use of open standards of interoperability for BIM, has included our BIMserver.center platform in their list of applications that work with Open BIM standards.
The list also incorporates a wide range of programs available on BIMserver.center, that cover different areas of specialisation like structures, installations, management, lighting, energy efficiency, accessibility and topography, among other areas.
The developers of these programs are internationally renowned institutions and businesses, such as the business for architecture, engineering and construction software CYPE, who is considered as one of the businesses in the sector that has most inverted in and supported the implementation of BIM technology in the world. The Scientific and Technical Center for Building in France (CSTB), Datacomp Sp. Z.o.o and APLITOP were also included.
Among the programs available on this list by BuildingSMART International are acoustic applications such as Acoubat by CYPE; BIM Vision, a freeware IFC model viewer that allows the visualisation of virtual models from CAD systems and TcpMDT, the program developed by APLITOP for the design and programming of technical applications in surveying and civil engineering.
The list also recognises, among others, the Open BIM workflow of CYPE programs for the analysis of structures like CYPECAD, the design and calculation of installations CYPECAD MEP, software for modelling and energy simulation of buildings with EnergyPlus™ CYPETHERM EPlus and the software Open BIM Layout for the composition of drawings with views and sections created based on BIM models, and Open BIM Model Checker to check BIM projects, including the management of issues of the model.
The list, created by BuildingSMART International, corroborates that more and more tools are integrated into the BIM workflow through BIMserver.center, which encourages us to keep working on our goal of positioning ourselves as the world’s leading platform for the development of cloud-based construction projects using Open BIM technology.